Monday, September 13, 2010

Love or Lust

Love finds a way to be constructive.

Love has so many meanings based on the context in which it is used. The definition I choose to use is that referring to a principle that is impersonal, constructive and flowing from the heart.

When you first start dating someone you like, the body releases chemicals that are quite literally intoxicating. These chemicals cause you to want to be with that person all the time, stay up all night talking with them and have sex with them as often as possible.
But a year or two later the chemicals change. The intoxicating chemicals are replaced by ‘stability’ chemicals. The powerful sex drive chemicals go away and settle-down-raise-a-family chemicals take over. It’s all just natural chemical reactions.
Theresa Crenshaw explains the process in her book “The Alchemy of Love and Lust”.

We are truly chemical factories that didn't come with an instruction manual. And because we don't know ourselves we tend to make the same errors over and over again in our relationships with each other. We keep bumping our head in the same place over and over again. Surely we have learned something in the 40+ years of sexual liberation that we have experienced here in the USA. Well I would like to share what I have learned.

Lust is an insidious emotion that causes a person to operate from a purely animalistic state as it relates to ones relationship with others. People are seen as objects of sexual desire, and not as brothers and sisters who have a divine and sacred purpose for being here on earth and in relationships. Lust crosses all gender and age boundaries, for it only sees and values others as sex objects. As sex objects people are preyed upon and exploited in a never ending series of conquests and competitions. Lust leads to fornication outside of marriage and adultery within marriage. Lust can never be satisfied, as it is insatiable. It must be eliminated from one’s emotions. It’s genesis can be found in the mother during the time of conception and gestation. When a pregnant female is un-nurtured, un-loved, dis-honored, and the object of violent aggression, she develops a longing for nurturing, love, honor and peace. This longing is filtered through her pain and translates into lust in her unborn child. The offspring are thus born lustful and grow-up to be fornicators and adulterers.

Once lust is eliminated, a state of natural affection is experienced. One seeks to be naturally affectionate with others and expresses this in eye gazing, hugs, kisses, stroking and cuddling. The person then experiences the dynamic energy exchange that occurs when two human bodies are in close proximity to one another void of lust. At this point a person is capable of experiencing Constitutional Intimacy, which allows a couple to respect, dignify, honor and nurture each other to wholeness and completeness.

For over five thousand years, women have had to resort to trickery, slyness, slander, manipulation, cunning and chicanery to get what they both wanted and needed for they were denied that most sacred of right, the right to vote. For thousands of years women were walked upon by their sons and treated as cattle, slaves and undesirables by the evil despotism of males. The woman thus in order to cope developed a passive aggressive character structure that has never been uprooted to this day, even though the right to vote has been secured by way of much blood, suffering and tears by brave women who understood the value of freedom.

With a duplicity that rivals none women learned to show the sweet, beauty that captured the hearts of men and speak in the most melodious vocal tones to soothe the savage beast and then betray all that is sacred and holy. She donned her finest and went to church, proclaimed herself Christian and having faith that would move mountains, and then went home and used ever barbarism known to man to beat, maim and torture those deemed lower than her both children, her so-called slaves.

Modern day soap operas depict vividly the extremes that a woman will go through to get a male the object of most women's desire. Scheming, plotting, slow poisoning, supporting his most cherished dreams and then the dagger. There is no length that a female will go in her desire to possess or be possessed by a male of her choosing. If another female is in the way or in a role that is desirable like wife, mistress or fiancée, then she simply becomes a causality of war, where all is suppose to be fair.

Having no outer light of her own, just like the moon, women seek the external light (approval, acceptance, sexual favors, money, title of wife, mistress and support) of a male to illumine her or give her value (false). This need comes from the thousands of years of women having no value except as sex objects and baby factories. The more brilliant, famous, charismatic, charming, rich or desirable the male, the more cunning her skills had to be to achieve the status of wife, lover, his woman. She will even use other men as leverage in her climb to her stated goal as she weaves aweb of deceit and lies. She seeks to be known as the possession of a great and powerful male for in the eyes of society, this gives her access to his power which in many instances was the power of life or death when he was an absolute ruler. To further her ends even his life was expendable if he ignored her advances.

These women were cultivated by there mothers in the ways of the female seductress. They are schooled to develop there cunning and emotional sway over the unsuspecting male species who discharged emotions and the female as having no value, thus leaving themselves vulnerable to forces they know nothing of because of there conclusion.

These woman are void of self-knowledge for with it she would know that the true light she needs, resides within the depths of her inner being which she must dive deep into the darkness to unveil, in order to gain the pearls and gems that lie in wait. She is not the moon which has no light. She simply changes like the moon and is controlled as are the tides by its ebb and flow. The tides within her are her hormones, and the whole of her watery essence. With knowledge of self, she learns what her cycles are and how to master herself and thus magnetize to her, the right circumstances and conditions for the manifestation of the perfect and most complimentary male without resorting to trickery, witch craft, spells or death potions.

Women's powers are without limits, and yet the average female is totally unconscious of her powers and thus has no control over them and thus recklessly destroy lives and communities through wanton, selfish actions. For we can either build or destroy, and males are helpless prey that we give the assumption of power to in order to further our unconscious goals.

Without conscious heartfelf realization, even if a thing exists, it is as if it did not exist.
The Triadic Heart of Śiva: Kaula tantricism of Abhinavagupta

Males relate to power in physical terms. They are presently ruled by the pack mentality or pecking order, similar to wolves and wild dogs. They have developed the hierarchy of the alpha male and alpha female which fuels there own destruction. In order to maintain this system of animal relations males must step outside of the realm of human interactions, for in truth we are not animals and need never resort to animal like behavior when we attain our true powers as MAN.

When man comes to himself and comprehends the fact that he is son of God, and knows that in himself lie all the powers of God, he is a master mind and all the elements will hear his voice and gladly do his will.
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, page 125

When man seeks to imitate the animal social structures, he/she steps beneath the human estate. Man (females and their sons) is the crown of creation, the sum total of all created things, possessing an aspect of all living things (mineral, plant, animal and ether) within. Man is both the created and the Creator. The beginning and the end. Man thus has to set the order for all living things. It is the responsibility and duty of man to have dominion of the earth and all the created things, including the body that man inhabits as a vehicle for earth usage. When man stoops to imitate an animal, man is abdicating his/her sovereign rights and falls into chaos and confusion. As animal man, the end result is violence. Animal man is prisoner of the flesh, a grand being trapped in a physical shell, and incapable of seeing a light route by which to escape.

In this world of illusion where the physical is worshiped, desired and valued over principles like love, truth, justice, freedom, equality (that make the physical manifestation possible), we women have set in motion a violent social structure that only we can unravel. We now have the right to vote, and here in America we are protected by law from cruelty, slavery, despotism and other acts designed to destroy us. American women have no excuse to continue to resort to the ways of old that suffrage wroth. We bring forth life, both male and female and we set in motion in each child we birth the most dominant aspect of ourselves. If we are fearful our sons and daughters will operate out of fear and continue to engage in reptilian brain, fight and flight actions. If we are fearless and love then the heart will rule our offspring and they will create a new world based on nonviolence and the threat of nonexistence will be no more.

We need not avenge or reduplicate our mothers who were the product of there times. We need to free our ancestors from the slavery of the past by living free today. It is time for the free woman to arise and give light in a dark and dreary lifeless world. Arise my sisters and spread the light of freedom around the world so that all of our sisters can be free, no longer tormented by the archaic institutions that enslave and deny them the right to life, liberty, health and the pursuit of happiness. Arise, I say.

The first order of business in arising is to engage in self-study, because you can't control and love what you don't know. Make yourself a priority and learn to know yourself. You matter. Do you! There is no finer product on the market today than “The Rise of the Free Woman 2011 Moontime Calendar.” It can be pruchased at

The Old Shadow of Women Violating Other Women

I awakened this morning tormented by an old shadow wound. This wound involved women ringing my parents doorbell looking for my father. My mother would get so upset and one time got in a fight with one of the women and often times got into a physical fight over this with my father. I remember cringing as a child and the fear I had that I might lose my mother to death or injury. I never understood why a woman would come to my home and disturb my household like that.

Even as I grew older I never understood why women have so much disrespect for each other. I had girlfriends and we would make plans and if a boy asked them to do something with them, they would drop everything that we had planned to go off with the boy.

In my first affair I became intimate with a male who was married, but he had lied and told me he was not. Yet he was living with a woman and I continued in the relationship. He said he didn’t really like her, but that she paid his bills. So somehow in my twisted mind, I believed that he liked me better and that I was more important than she was to him. Later I found out that he was married and I went to his home to confront him in his lie and to let his wife know that I was sorry for what I had done.

After this I determined that I would not date men who had females that they were in relationship with, whether married or not. So I dated single men and if one of my female friends showed a liking to the man, I would stop relating to him sexually and work to concretize their relationship and all of us would be friends, but I would not have sex with the man anymore.

After my near death experience with a botched abortion I concluded that I didn’t need to have sex with any man who I would not want to be the father of my child, so I became a celibate. Then I met my husband who was in the final stages of his wife divorcing him. He proposed polygamy as a way of relating given that monogamy was obviously not working. He concluded that it would be better to lock the backdoor where most relationships existed, and open the front door inviting women into the relationship and having everything above board, I agreed and for fifteen years I invited women to join my marriage. Some did, some didn’t. Some still choose to go to the back door and my husband accommodated them and even lied about what he was doing. I learned in the process to uproot fear, jealousy, competition and envy.

My husband was a very charismatic personality of world renown and women flocked to him like a magnet. Even those I invited to join our marriage came with the intention of getting rid of me. Then one woman came who was capable of being a sister to me, a wife to my husband and a mother to my children. We did not engage in threesome sex, lesbianism or anything hanky. We loved each other to the best of our ability and she and I grew together and remain sisters to this day. Other than my mother she was the only woman that I trusted to take care of my children. Even after we concluded that our husband was not committed to marriage or family we remained friends. Today my children go to her for advise and sometimes I have to find out what is going on in their lives through her. I am eternally grateful for all the heart aches and trials and tribulations I went through to finally find this gem of a sister. She is irreplaceable.

In order to get my life back after my botched abortion, I vowed to work to create a world where women do not even have to consider having an abortion. It was obvious to me that there was something that I didn’t know that caused me to get pregnant when I didn’t want to. In 1996, I began working full-time on this process. I literally turned myself over to God to provide for me, direct me and nurture me without any visible means of income. I experienced some of the most wonderful creations and have never been hungry, homeless or in danger (even though I have been in dangerous situations, as I started this journey being placed for two and a half years in hell, which was the headquarters of the most notorious street gang ever formed The El Rukns, in Chicago, IL).

Starting in 1998, I would awaken in the morning and God would channel information to me that I would write. Then I was told to prove that what was written was true. So I would seek out information to prove it and there was always proof. It got to the point where I didn’t know whether I had written something or someone else had. This material was turned into a series of charting calendars for females so that they could learn to know themselves. My motto is, “You can’t control or love what you don’t know.”

In that we as females are always going through changes we must have a way of monitoring the changes that occur. This is best done with a moon calendar. So I have created a series of moon calendars. I published two books this year, LunaQueen, The Divinely Feminine Art Of Using A Lunar Charting Calendar and LunaQueen, The Journey From Lunatic To LunaQueen. (Available at I have just completed, The Rise of the Free Woman 2011 Moontime Calendar, which is a true moon calendar. All of these productions are designed to empower females by the gaining of self-knowledge.

Unfortunately, I have come to find that many females do not value themselves enough to take the time to get to know them self. Most I find are too busy competing with males, comparing themselves to males, chasing males, and becoming males. Male/female conquest is the order of the day and we have yet to awaken to the beauty, majesty, honor, abundance and joy that is within us.

It is a surety that if we don’t love and respect ourselves as females and self-kind (other females) that we cannot have a successful relationship with males for they are so different from us. It is time that we free ourselves from the curse that is written of in the Holy Bible in Genesis, “And your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you.” When we live under this curse we have no value, care, concern or positive intentions for our sisters. This must stop and only we have the power to stop it. Curses are not forever, they only last as long as people are unconscious to their error, which I wrote about in The Theology of Eve.

So I say to you my sister and my sisters, let us stop trampling upon each other, and each others relationships, let’s come together and learn of ourselves, so we can truly be ourselves and give birth to a new generation of people who are conceived in love and dedicated to the purpose of serving humanity and God. When we know ourselves as spirit, mind, emotion and body we have the knowledge of our cycles and we can thus be masters of them, rather than the present where the forces of the moon control us. We must come out from under the moon (sin) forces and use them for good in consciousness.
