Saturday, June 5, 2010

"No Human Contact Rulings" Man's Inhumanity To Man

Surely, a time will come when brothers will not attempt anymore to lord it over each other. When mankind will be self-governing, because MAN possess SELF-Love. And therefore the heart is opened so that LOVE can FLOW. A time when heart attacks are no more.

That day when man gives up pointing fingers at each other, while claiming one is more of a threat and to be enslaved forever. That day when each and every male, female and child recognize that what is done to one of us is done to all of us. That we must LOVE ourselves with all the LOVE that the UNIVERSE can give us as we overflow from our cup with LOVE for ONE another.

That day when the BATTLE Cry will
FREE the slave in ME
within and without.
And I shall shout

Cause he lives in me. The SPIRIT
Our Lord, Our Saviour
Who shows us the way back into the
As he relieved the
Angel of the LORD GOD
of duty that day. When he defeated death
and lived to tell about it.
He then took up residence at the door, to
welcome you and me into the
Our Inheritance
Our Birthright
And that is one right that no man can take away
Me, the LORD and the LORD GOD are a majority.
Can't you hear it the
Freedom from hell and damnation,
JESUS Liberated ME
How about you?

Can you say with conviction,

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

That great day of Freedom
when all MANKIND are
on the
as we are FREE in the

That day when ancestral connections are made to those within the heavens who are our forebearers, planting us as seeds upon the earth, the playground set aside for all to be HAPPY. For happy is the one who has wisdom and understanding.
And we hold these truth to be self-evident that all MANKIND is entitled to life, liberty, heath and the pursuit of happiness. There is none who can deny this to another. If you are feeling the urge to stick it to someone, to see someone suffer, or you wish death upon someone, remember now the SUPREME LAW
You reap, what you sow.
If you plant corn you will not get rice.
What you declare for your brother and sister,
you declare for yourself.
There's just no escaping it, when you look in the mirror there is your brother and sister.
Yep you are staring at yourself.

We live in a world where all are sinning (except the Holy Ones, who have been set aside and rectified there sin) and sinners act like someone else's sin is worse than there's.
SIN my brothers and sisters is SIN
SIN is a personal affront to one's self
It is a noose around your necks
A self-constructed noose I must add.
That means you can take it a loose at anytime.
Sin is of the curse you see. Living under a curse
is a choice now.
Just like after African American people were protected in riding
on the buses throughout the south by Federal Law, they still
gravitated to the back of the bus, because it had been so ingrained
in them to do this. Many European volunteers and students had to
help coax them to sit up front with them. They had to have permission.

Well my sisters and my brothers
is the answer, because he got permission from the
for us to come back
He got the
and HE's
anywhere you are, standing with open arms
to welcome you back HOME.

Now you may or maynot see HIM, but I
assure you that HE is there. You can't see
wind either.

For HE sent the Holy Spirit
The Comforter
That all Mankind
Might Know HIM
“My sheep know my voice.”
He has done the heavy work,
he rolled our sins away, that Easter Morning
When he cheated death out of a victim.
He showed the way.
He is the way shower,
He that is to be followed because he knows the way through hell and has come back like (Harriet Tubman) to retrieve you from slavery to the flesh and the physicality of this world of illusion.
Wake UP
I say
Wake UP
You don't even have to knock on the door to come in
He's knocking on your door right now.
Will you Open IIT?
Will you OPEN UP your HEART and let
The Lord show you the way into the
Let him assign you some angels to show you around.
Have you recently wondered about CREATION?
Who made the mountains,
Who made the trees,
Who made the rivers flow to the sea,
Somebody bigger than you and me.

That's what I'm talking about. You don't need no
human intermediary to get to the Lord God. You
have Yeshua the Christ, our Brother who was born
of a virgin (a female who plans her births and set-asides all unholiness in preparation for the birth so that a highly evolved soul seed can be planted to come into the earth plane)
treated all men as brother and sisters,
suffered under Pontius Pilate
was betrayed by the people who choose Lazarus (a known perpetrator of evil against people) to free on the day of choosing. Was crucified and buried and rose on the third day, to receive the Scepter of LIFE
He called his loving followers to HIM to prove his
over death and they became witnesses spreading the
Good News
That man is not just flesh and blood
but a SPIRIT inhabiting a fleshly body (vehicle)
HE then sent the Holy Spirit as a COMFORTER
to all mankind to
Those Pearly Gates
Those Gates on Golden Foundations

At the Gate there HE is with open arms
he understand the troubles, you've seen,
he feels the depth of sadness that you feel,
where you've been he's been there and more.
He understands. He does not judge you no
matter what your sin. He already forgave those
who would take His Life. He holds no grudges.
He's there to welcome you into the Kingdom.
He's there to give you
The Right Hand or Arm of Fellowship
He is merciful and wants only the very best for you and your family.
He would that all people do likewise and want for there brother and sister what is right, what is holy, what is loving. Of course one has to want this for Self.
And that's the Choice you have to make.
And only you can make it because
the Second Supreme Law is that you have
You can choose to engage in or shun evil.
You can choose to live in the light or hide like a cinch in the darkness seeking to
suck the life blood out of the planet, or out of another human being.

When do you confront Satan and his demons and devils who are their e to tempt you to do evil, they don't make you do evil, they just tempt you (like when a person is framed to commit a crime, they however cannot give false testimony, they have to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, because of The Lord God's Dominion. They cannot tempt the Lord or The Lord God, just fallen humanity). Want you rise and shine and give The Lord GOD, the GLORY, And walk down Freedom Paths.
When do you have a little talk with the devils and say, Cease and desist troubling me. Go live in a tree and then plant some trees in honor of this spirits departure.
There is life beyond sin. There is a life that is free flowing like the rhythms of the music of the spheres.
Comparing ones sin to another's is futile, a dead end, a waste of time and energy. It's like getting with some folks and comparing the shit, Whose shit spells the worse. All shit sinks, I don't care whose it is except a breast fed babies. One must be diligent in mining ones own sin and harvesting the Fruits of the SPIRIT. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, JOY, ABUNDANCE, HAPPINESS ….

This means by dear brothers and sisters that we have to devise a working system that educates us to live a prayerful life, a prayer filled life. A life that is build on prayer.

Let us pray
My Father (this is a personal prayer) which art in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give me today my daily bread.
Forgive me my sins
as I forgive those who sin against me and others.
Lead me not into temptation
and deliver me from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory
now and for ever, ad infinitum. Amen.


is a curse, a malignant, vile, contemptuous, wanton, devilish, murderous, self-righteous in ones own conceit, detrimental, destructive, enduring, demonic, evilest torture one can inflict upon a living being.

We the living declare it in the name of our
Yeshua ben Joseph
Our Saviour
That No Human Contact
Ceases and Desists
This Day of Our Lord
June 5, 2010

What say you?

Myeka is living.

If you are among the living, add your name and pass it on.
Freedom Paths Cosmic Ministry
“Let your Light Shine...”

Without education, the individual is condemned to the prison of his own ignorance, tortured over his lack of opportunities, and, more than likely, consigned to a life of poverty, crime, underdevelopment, and oppression.

Further reading
Rules for Prisons: A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management,
Torture on American Soil? Three Glimpses at Our Fractured Prison System Read more:
Changing From The Inside,
Doing Time, Doing Vipassana,

Support the work of Friends of Justice.
Friends of Justice
3415 Ainsworth Court
Arlington, TX 76016