“It is only in knowing oneself from the inside out that control can be exerted as it relates to ones emotions, thoughts, language and actions. To often females are trying to control everything and everybody but lack self-control because you can’t control what you don’t know and females are sorely lacking self-control. The greatest evidence of this can be seen by the mounting abortion statistics. Abortion as birth control is a foolish notion. It derives from females not having a sense of self and knowledge of self, for if females knew themselves they would know that the body provides reliable signals each month to inform them of when they are in their fertile time. Just this knowledge alone known would allow females to control whether they get pregnant or not, providing them with a primary choice. Instead females would rather waste time, energy and money squabbling about there right to choose. Choice begins before the sex act is entered into, in that everybody knows that sex can lead to pregnancy and once conception takes place there can only be a reaction to a failure to plan. Females invest in this irresponsible action rather than the later and this has caused a great lost to our world. It bogs our legislative bodies down, creates family division, creates millions of unwanted children who deserve better upon entering the earth plane, it causes massive health problems and has even been the cause of death of doctors who participate and it leaves females guilt ridden and shame faced while at the same time blaming others for their lack of knowledge. I speak as one who had an abortion and this work is my means for ending the ignorance that victimized me.
As females continue to foster the unconscious, shadow self or dark side of the moon, they reinforce in the external, physical world chaos, confusion, pain, suffering, lies, fear, hatred and a host of toxic emotions (lust, greed, envy, jealousy, covetousness, etc. that has created the violent system in which we live. As first teachers to both males and females, ignorant mothers have spurred a world of violence, as we allow principalities to govern us, which leads to premature and agonizing death.
Spirit man is Mind, the creative intelligence that is eternal. Trapped in physical bodies by forced and wage labor, we have simply forgotten who we are and thus our power to create a world that sustains us in the highest possible manner has been lost. We must regain that which has been lost and live up to the true calling of man to establish peace, order, prosperity and joy on the earth. We the living, are here now on the earth with this mandate. Let us awaken from the Land of Nod (sleep), shake off the lethargy and recognize that our survival is a given and labor not to support ourselves by menial jobs, but work to create a world that is fit for future generations of our seed to flourish and live abundant, fulfilling lives, by pooling our collective intelligence, gifts, skills, talents, time, resources and energy.
Let us be pioneers of a new way of living here on earth. A way that is just, loving, kind and principled. We have nothing to lose and so much to gain. To continue in the ways of our recent ancestors is to court disaster, failure, gloom, doom and destruction. Let us be brave advocates of self-exploration. For all we need is within us, waiting to be mined as valuable gold hidden from us only when we neglect to know the truth of our being.”
LunaQueen, The Divinely Feminine Art of Lunar Charting and Self-Care, The Key to Self-Knowledge, Self-Love, Self-Control, and Personal Liberation is written and compiled by Myeka, to provide a means for self-exploration. It is a labor of love. Its value is inestimable during this time of stress, distress and lost in the lives of countless multitudes of people worldwide.
LunaQueen, The Divinely Feminine Art of Lunar Charting and Self-Care, is a call to all females, mothers, future mothers and their sons to awaken to the truth of their being by examining themselves in the most scientific way and charting their findings so that patterns can be
recognized that unknown control us, but known gives us great power to choose consciously how we will live our lives. Conscious choice is the way of the responsible female, she who would be master of herself.
LunaQueen, The Divinely Feminine Art of Lunar Charting and Self-Care, The Key to Self-Knowledge, Self-Love, Self-Control, and Personal Liberation lays the foundation for a new way of living that is beneficial by facilitating the health, protecting the rights, fulfilling the needs and fostering the interest of individuals and the collective.
The LunaQueen System is a complete system that prepares females to use their powers intelligently and thus give up the haphazard manner of birthing, playing small and being powerless. LunaQueen, The Divinely Feminine Art of Lunar Charting and Self-Care, The Key to Self-Knowledge, Self-Love, Self-Control, and Personal Liberation, provides a peek into the dynamics of this system of conscious living.
Order your copy today. LunaQueen, The Divinely Feminine Art of Lunar Charting and Self-Care, The Key to Self-Knowledge, Self-Love, Self-Control, and Personal Liberation, retails for $38.80 from Lulu.com. This book is published by Edmond Publication. For further information on wholesale orders or to contact the author call (202) 527-9798 or send an email to sheawakening@yahoo.com